Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Holiday Chex Party Mix

 Crunchy party mix; a tasty, inexpensive, holiday gift for friends and neighbors.

  One of my favorite things to do during the holiday season was to make party mix with my Mom. My siblings and I got to choose 1 box of cereal, and dump the whole thing into the large lobster pot my mom used to bake her party mix in. The pot-still used today, is low and wide and holds a lot of cereal, pretzels, and nuts. A throw away turkey roasting pan also works great and is what I used for the following recipe.

Using my mom’s recipe, original Chex mix recipes, and a lot of tasting, I came up my version of party mix. I modified the recipe to suit my tastes and budget; substituting canola oil for butter, peanuts instead of fancy mixed nuts, and generic cereal instead of Chex brand. Wheat chex are my favorite, I add more than the rice and corn chex. The mix is salty, garlicky, and heavy on the worchershire sauce.  In the past, I have added corn nuts instead of peanuts in the past for a nut free alternative.  

Party Mix

(Yield 24 cups)

¾ cup canola oil
4 teaspoons garlic salt
4 tablespoons garlic powder
4 tablespoons onion powder
6 tablespoons worchershire sauce
2 cups roasted salted peanuts
2 cups mini pretzel rods
2 cups cheerios
1 14oz box of wheat chex or generic
About ¾ of a box corn and rice chex or generic

  1. Pre heat oven to 250 F. Add ¼ cup of canola oil, 2 T garlic salt, 2 T garlic powder, 2 T of onion powder, to the pan and place in the oven to warm up for 5 min.
  2. Remove pan from the oven. Add 1/3 of the dry ingredients (cereal, nuts, pretzels) to the pan and toss gently with a wooden spoon to coat. Put back in the oven for 15 min.
  3. Remove pan from the oven. Add 1/3 of the dry ingredients (cereal, nuts, pretzels) Pour ¼ cup of canola oil, 2 T garlic salt, 2 T garlic powder, 2 T of onion powder, over the dry goods then toss gently to coat. Put back in the oven for 15 min.
  4. Repeat step 3.
  5. Mix should bake for an hour total. Let it cool and package as desired.
 I ended up with about 24 cups of mix, that I divided into 6 quart sized (4 cup) ziplock holiday design bags  ( a little disappointing design wise but practical,) and added a bow. The quart sized bag is a good amount of mix, not too much and not too little, it makes a neat little sack that people love to receive, especially friends traveling for the holidays-plane and road snacks are a must!

What are your homemade holiday gift ideas?
