What is a Nouveau Homesteader?
Definition of NOUVEAU : newly arrived or developed
HOMESTEADER: The term may apply to anyone who follows the back-to-the-land movement by adopting a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle. While land is no longer freely available in most areas of the world, homesteading remains as a way of life. According to author John Seymour, "urban homesteading" incorporates small-scale, sustainable agriculture and homemaking. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homesteading
What This Blog is About:
Like traditional homesteaders, the kind that broke ground here in Oregon after traveling the OR Trail from the various places (I grew up in Maine but moved to Oregon from Maui.). I’m trying to make a better life for myself by being resourceful, more efficient, and trying new things. Basically, taking advantage of the advantages I have right now. Advantages like: being able to grow vegetables year round in my back yard garden. Cooking whatever and whenever I feel like it. I also, have the advantage of time (I’m unemployed.) I have time to pursue and/or create a career that suits me.